Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Who's My Padawan? A Father's Day Reflection 2024

Very recently, someone we cared about, whom we had helped and guided, just turned their back on us and walked away: a heartbreaking experience.

Reflecting on this, I casually remarked in a family conversion, "Well, I guess even (the great teacher) Master Yoda's padawan (apprentice in Star Wars) became Count Dooku (the villain)." I meant (in ordinary language): Even the greatest teachers will have students who will turn against them and bring them sorrow.

Whereupon, the Haj (our 16-year-old daughter) came to me and gave me a hug with these sweet words, "They (this person) are not your padawan, Daddy."

Looking into her eyes, I knew what she was thinking so I voiced it out, "You're right. You're my padawan." And she just nodded contentedly.

It hit me afterwards. The Haj is already one of the persons that I admire and respect most because she's just an overall beautiful person in and out, tremendously gifted and diligent, and making such a positive contribution to the world. For her to consider herself "a padawan" (apprentice) of her good ol' dad is high honour and praise indeed for me. I have tears in my eyes as I type this. She has already surpassed me in many ways! But it is these little acts of love and affection from one's daughter that make life as a dad really, really worth living.

I will savour, cherish, and treasure my daughter and this thought of hers all my life. I feel so warm and thankful inside on this Father's Day. Such a joy to be this girl's dad! Love you to the moon and back, Haj!
